Changing Lives
One Step at a Time

Be The Change
-Become a Webinar Educator
Are you interested in supporting Wings of Mercy Parent's Advocacy, but...Not sure what you could do? Try hosting one of our structured webinars!
Knowledge is Power, but the lack of knowledge is ALSO power...
More important than most think, access to basic education is at an all time low in rural communities. We appreciate everyone's contributions to expanding public knowledge, and so does the community we provide for.
Contact us to learn about volunteer opportunities today. Love to cook or bake? Good at fixing cars or computers? Have a special skill, like crochet, needlepoint, or sewing and want to join the webinar instructor team?
Maybe you're really into TicTok, or Instagram and you'd love to feature our feed on your streaming podcast, or join our youtube channel team, just to level up your digital portfolio and get some experience to put on your resume after college.
Whatever your interest, we welcome all who have a skill set they are willing to share! contribution of time only; we will provide any supplies needed-even the tech! Flexible hours, and get back what you put in!
We have independent contractor paid openings for volunteers who exceed expectations as well
Even just sharing your experiences with us on the Parent Police podcast's special live broadcast, 'Survivors'' Stories' helps us create lasting change. Rest assured that any contribution will have a major impact on the lives of many within our community.

Donate New & Gently Used 'New-Mom' Supplies in our 1st Annual Share The Love Donation Drive
Want to make a positive impact in your community? It really is as simple as making a donation. Short on cash?
That's okay! We don't accept direct fiscal donations or contributions of monetary funds at Wings of Mercy Parent Advocacy.
We do gratefully accept material donations of gently used or new items as needs arise in our community, and we also fundraise for other unrelated but relevant causes Consider donating your time, extra supplies, or your second-hand clothes instead. Sharing is caring, and we guarantee that every bit counts.